EN 中文

3D Design

Have Fun and Create Your Own 3D Designs

Age 6-8

Learn to drag and drop 3D
Create their own designs
Take 3D files home

Age 9-12

Learn basic modeling tools
Create their own designs
Take a 3D print home

Age 12-14

Learn advanced functions in Google SketchUp
Create their own architectures
Print their final project

Learning to Last a Lifetime

Robokids engages students in design activities and challenges that help them develop useful strengths for a lifetime.

LEGO® and Mindstorms® are registered trademarks of the LEGO® group of companies. VEX® and VEX® Robotics are trademarks or service marks of Innovation First International Inc. FIRST® is an international youth organization. These companies do not sponsor, authorize or endorse the programs on this website.